May 2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 14, 2024  
May 2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

OT 150 - Level I Fieldwork: Community and Emerging Practice

An integral part of the training to become a certified occupational therapy assistant (COTA) is fieldwork experience designed to develop skills that underlie practice. Level I Fieldwork: Community and Emerging Practice has the OTA student actively involved within an organization that has a need for occupational therapy services but does not currently provide these services. These organizations are embedded within the community and provide services to people with a variety of health, psychosocial, and occupational needs. The Level I Fieldwork: Community and Emerging Practice experience will have OTA students practice skills needed to be a successful occupational therapy assistant including observational skills, interpersonal communication skills, and interview skills. The fieldwork experience will also provide the student with hands-on practice with the administration of standardized evaluation and treatment implementation that are relevant to a community setting. The didactic portion of this class will provide opportunities to reflect on the fieldwork experience, give small group feedback on the skills used at the fieldwork site, and review selected learning relevant to the fieldwork experience. Semester Credit Hours 1.00 semester credit hour Contact Hours: 45.00 Prerequisites: OT 100 Life Span Development , OT 110 Principles of Occupational Therapy , OT 120 Human Occupations , OT 210 Occupational Therapy in Physical Disabilities I , PS 101 Psychology  . Corequisite: OT 240 Psychosocial Dysfunction and Group Dynamics .