May 2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 07, 2024  
May 2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

EM 194 - Paramedic General Pharmacology

This course introduces basic pharmacological agents and concepts with an emphasis on drug classification and the knowledge and skills required for safe, effective medication administration. Content areas include general principles of pharmacology and pharmacologic pathophysiology, venous and intravenous access techniques, the metric and apothecary system, computation of dosage and solution problems, administration of pharmacologic agents, and nasogastric tube placement. Upon course completion, students will have demonstrated competency in those respective components of the National Standard Curriculum for the EMT-Paramedic. Semester Credit Hours: 2.00 Contact Hours: 30/0/0/30 Prerequisites: EM 189 /EM 189L Paramedic Anatomy and Physiology Lab . Corequisite: None.