January 2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
January 2017 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

DH 250 - Principles of Dental Radiography

This course includes the history of dental radiography, image and x-ray production, radiation safety, patient protection, and quality assurance. Proper processing techniques and the importance of high-quality dental radiographs will be stressed. Students will be familiar with both the paralleling and bisecting techniques used to expose dental radiographs. Intraoral and extra-oral techniques will be discussed. 2.00 semester credit hours Contact Hours: 30.00 Prerequisites: DH 210 Dental Management and Technologies , DH 290 Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist , and DH 305 Cultural Diversity in Dental Hygiene . Corequisite: None.