Required Courses in General Education
Students enrolled in this associate’s degree must complete a minimum of 24.00 semester credit hours in general education distributed among the following disciplines. Refer to the General Education section of the catalog for Herzing University courses that would satisfy these requirements. *
2.00 Semester Credit Hours in Computer Applications ♦ ▲
3.00 Semester Credit Hours in English Composition
5.00 Semester Credit Hours in General Education Electives
3.00 Semester Credit Hours in Humanities With a Critical Thinking Focus ** ♦
1.00 Semester Credit Hours in Information Literacy
4.00 Semester Credit Hours in Natural Science or Mathematics (College Algebra or Above)
3.00 Semester Credit Hours in Social or Behavioral Science
3.00 Semester Credit Hours in Speech
* Transfer students may transfer courses that are within 1.00 semester credit hour of the courses listed above to meet these discipline requirements. Any resulting deficiency in the total of 24.00 semester credit hours required in general education may be made up with general education electives from any of the listed disciplines.
** A course with a critical thinking focus would be a course that addresses the theories and application of critical analysis with an emphasis on developing sequential reasoning skills. Examples may be courses in critical thinking, philosophy, logic, or science.
♦ The state of Minnesota requires a minimum of 20.00 semester credit hours of general education for associate’s degrees, not counting computer applications. However, all Herzing University students in the AASDA program must complete a minimum of 24.00 semester credit hours in general education, including computer applications, to complete the requirement for graduation from this associate’s degree program. Minnesota students must complete at least 2.00 semester credit hours of general education in the humanities.
▲ Students in the AASDA program must take DS 204 - Dental Management to fulfill this general education requirement.